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Stay up to date on the latest Testing Automation trends.
Welcome to the forefront of innovation in test automation for real mobile devices, tailored specifically for mobile network communication. Join us as we embark on an exhilarating journey into the future of test automation. We’re thrilled to invite you to our blog, where we’ll be your guide through the challenges and opportunities that await in this dynamic new era. Let’s navigate the future together and transform the way we approach test automation.

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Operations & Live Networks

How Telco Test Automation Boosts User Experience

Discover how telco test automation enhances user experience by ensuring seamless functionality after network upgrades. Learn about the role of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CICD) in telecom, integrating Quality of Experience (QoE) into testing, and the benefits of automated testing frameworks like SEGRON’s ATF.

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Operations & Live Networks

How To: Continuous Service Monitoring for MVNOs

Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) benefit from continuous service monitoring and testing to maintain high network quality and improve customer retention. Learn effective strategies with SEGRON’s expert solutions.

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Ensuring Superior Voice Quality with HD Voice Over Bluetooth

With the growing demand for clear and reliable communication, HD Voice emerges as an important innovation, enhancing the clarity and quality of voice calls. Another benefit of HD Voice is that calls tend to be longer; when the quality is good, people are more likely to continue talking, enjoying the

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Operations & Live Networks

How it works: Mobility Testing in Live Networks

Discover how Over-The-Air (OTA) interfaces are revolutionizing mobile network testing by transitioning from traditional labs to live network conditions, enhancing signal accuracy and test reliability. Explore innovative methods for better signal capture, filtering, and control in mobility testing scenarios.

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SEGRON Automated Testing takes VoNR

The ever-evolving landscape of telecommunications is marked by the relentless pursuit of perfecting and deploying advanced technologies, a defining characteristic within which SEGRON stands out. With its Automated Testing Framework, SEGRON sets new standards and maintains a steadfast commitment to staying ahead of the curve.In a recent milestone, the correct

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Operations & Live Networks

Streamlining Test Automation with eSIM Technology

In the fast-paced world of telecommunications and testing, SEGRON is committed to ensuring that we are always at the cutting edge of technology. That is why eSIM support plays a significant role in the field of test automation to simulate various subscriber profiles in many different test locations. Bridging the

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2G / 3G Sunset and the Roaming Challenge

According to data published by the GSMA, 27 operators in 16 European countries will not offer any 2G or 3G-based voice services in their mobile networks starting in January 2026. This means operators have less than 3 years to prepare and warm up for this new era in mobile communication.

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Lawful Interception testing
Operations & Live Networks

The Basics of Lawful Interception and 5G Considerations

A communication service provider (CSP) was in search of automated testing solutions. Like most providers, they wanted to verify speed and performance for voice and data on 2G, 3G, LTE, and 5G. They were also interested to learn about how automated testing could validate compliance with lawful interception (LI) requirements.

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Why Telco Companies Should be Thinking about Roaming Testing

Why Telco Companies Should be Thinking about Roaming Testing

In the not-so-distant past, a seasoned traveler would do a bunch of research before going on a trip, saving maps to their phone, printing out phone numbers and bookings, and checking if the airport has Wi-Fi availability. Nowadays, seasoned travelers skip the hassle of planning. Roaming fees have gone down,

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SEGRON Android fragmentation

What Does Android Fragmentation Mean for Testers?

Though Apple users constitute a minority of mobile device users around the world, they’re a fairly predictable bunch when it comes to OS and firmware specifications. There are only about a handful of new Apple phones coming on the market in any given year, and users generally gravitate towards the

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Introduction to Test Automation

Getting Familiar with Test Automation

A few months ago, I decided to embrace a new challenge in my career with an up and coming technology company. I still remember when I was first familiarizing myself with the basics of test automation. In the beginning, I must admit I had the feeling that it was a very

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The Top 5 Causes of Network Outages
Operations & Live Networks

The Top 5 Causes of Network Outages

As  mobile voice and data services have become a communication necessity for business and private purposes,  network outages will continue to be a serious problem for telco operators. A Heavy Reading report from a few years ago suggested that network outages in the telco domain seemed to be getting both

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5 tactics for Test Automation
Operations & Live Networks

5 Testing Tactics to Help You Troubleshoot Your Network

A few years ago, an Accenture report uncovered a statistic that may be particularly troubling for mobile carriers: 77% of all consumers would retract their loyalty from a particular business more easily than they would have just three years prior. Though this study wasn’t focused on telecommunications in particular, we’re willing to

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Frequently Asked Questions about ATF

Frequently Asked Questions About SEGRON’s Automated Testing Framework

Making the transition from manual to automated tests can be daunting—particularly in the telecom domain, where so much specialized knowledge is required for almost every aspect of a tester’s job. At SEGRON, we know first-hand that anyone who’s thinking about adopting a new testing framework is going to have a

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Industry 4.0 & IoT

What Impact Will IoT Technology Have on Your Network?

According to one estimate, the IoT (Internet of Things) could generate nearly $2.0 trillion in revenue for mobile operators worldwide ($1.8 trillion, to be exact). That’s ‘trillion’ with a ‘t.’ And that estimate is from 2017. Prognosticators have only gotten more bullish about IoT technology’s potential in the last couple of

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Industry 4.0 & IoT

5 Ways to Spend Less Time on Testing

With the advent of new technology like the IoT (Internet of Things) and 5G, the pressure to improve companies’ time-to-market has never been higher. Sure enough, there is likely to be a real first-mover advantage in the coming years for businesses that can roll out new service offerings that take

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Operations & Live Networks

How Machine Learning Is Changing Test Automation

Everybody wants to be part of the next big thing, whether that’s some shiny new test management strategy or an emerging technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI). In fact, so many people want to be part of the AI movement that there’s a real tendency to describe things as AI when they’re

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Operations & Live Networks

Are QoS and QoE the same thing?

Sometimes, as a tester, you might feel like your users are experiencing a completely different system from the one that you’re testing and deploying. You might, for instance, devote countless person-hours and resources to finding areas in your network where improvements to the code could lead to better KPIs for

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How Can Hyperautomation Improve Test ROI?

Ever since Gartner named hyperautomation as one of its top technology trends for the coming year, there’s been a flood of discussion about what, exactly, hyperautomation might look like in practice. Will it mean robotic processes that learn automatically and increase their efficiency over time? Or maybe it will speed up root

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Operations & Live Networks

5 Testing Pitfalls That Slow Down Time-to-Market

It’s been a common refrain in the past several years: “Who will win the race to 5G?” Sometimes media outlets and prognosticators are talking about individual countries—will China or the US be the first to support large-scale rollouts of 5G infrastructure? And sometimes they’re focused on specific companies—is AT&T offering 5G

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How (and Why) You Should Test on Flagship Devices

According to Apple, in the last quarter of 2019, the recently-released iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max made up nearly 70% of all American iPhone sales. It’s often been remarked that any data Apple happens to share should be taken with a grain of salt (they

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What is the Future of Big Data in Telecom Testing?

Let’s state the obvious for a second: telecommunications networks produce a ton of data, especially when they’re being tested. For years, much of this data was of little value to telecom operators or testers—but with the emergence of Big Data (and related concepts like AI and machine learning), things are

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Case Study: Circuit Switched Core Network Automation

Let’s say you’re planning to migrate to a new high-redundancy CS core network—what’s the first challenge that comes to mind? For many of you, it might be network architecture. The structure of modern telco networks is increasingly complex, and any new network rollout is going to be much more involved

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How To : Automated Provisioning Tests

Raise your hand if a subscriber has ever complained to your company because she wasn’t getting the Quality of Service (QoS) she was paying for. We’re guessing that a lot of readers will have raised their hands. Sometimes, complaints like this arise because of forces beyond the control of the

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Industry 4.0 & IoT

5 Keys to a Successful IoT Testbed

Up to this point, the most common use cases for the IoT have continued to be industrial: tracking pallets as they move through a warehouse, monitoring inventory levels, analyzing machine usage, etc. But with the advent of 5G, consumer applications for this technology are going to become much more prevalent.

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How to Test Seamless Call Services

It might seem somewhat paradoxical, but the better your LTE coverage gets, the harder it becomes to test something like SRVCC. Verizon, for instance, has about 93% LTE coverage in the United States (according to a recent OpenSignal report), which means that at most there’s only 7% of the country

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3 Tips for Improved Telecom Lab Testing

For the best possible results, your test lab needs to make use of the absolute latest in cutting edge technology. Because this is the arena in which you test changes and additions to your network—including new connected devices like the internet of things (IoT)—you need to find a way to

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The Telco Operator’s Guide to Test Case Scripting

One of the biggest concerns we hear from telco operators looking to automate their tests is the relative ease or difficulty of test case scripting. Telecoms aren’t typically staffed with a huge number of technically proficient developers, and a complex testcase scripting language would therefore make it difficult to leverage

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Why Should Testers Care About Signalling Trace?

At most telco operators, end-to-end tests are the dream. Given that each new network update or service offering potentially requires dozens of testcases verifying conformance, acceptance, functionality, and performance, true end-to-end tests that validate the entire functioning of the network from the end-user’s perspective are daunting and often difficult to

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What Does Hyperautomation Mean for Telco Operators?

Every year, Gartner gives a rundown of what it predicts will be the major strategic trends for companies to explore in the coming year, and 2019 was no different. The leading research and advisory firm has some lofty expectations for the year ahead—including practical blockchain applications, an increase in distributed

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Why Robots Will Shape the Future of Telco Testing

As of a few years ago, more than 90% of software testers reported that they were automating between 50 and 100% of their tests. Of the survey respondents who had automated, about a quarter saw ROI immediately, another quarter within 6 months, and another quarter within a year. Fewer than

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5 Ways Telecoms Can Increase Test Velocity

Let’s say you’re migrating all of your subscribers to a highly redundant HSS database. You know it’s going to be a long process, but you want to set an ambitious deadline and perform the migration before your next quarterly all-hands meeting. As such, you put together a list of the

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What to Look for in Test Automation Reporting

Let’s say you’re in a management position at prominent European network provider, and you’re trying to assess network quality. Some of your biggest questions are about testing: How quickly are your regression test suites running after network updates? How frequently do your tests uncover bugs, and how do those bugs get resolved?

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Operations & Live Networks

How To: HSS Migration Validation

Often, when we talk about quality of service (QoS) we tend to focus on things like latency, jitter, and packet loss, i.e. the network conditions that users experience in their day-to-day mobile device usage. But back-office processes like provisioning and invoicing can often have just as much of an impact

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Case Study: PCRF Regression Testing

Way back in the day, if you were on the go and needed to make a phone call, you kept your eyes peeled for the nearest payphone. You would drop in your coins and the operator would connect you to your desired call recipient. After the time you paid for

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The Pros and Cons of Keyword Based Testing

Let’s say you have a small system whose functionality you want to test, and you determine that there are five distinct use cases that require verification. As a technically-adept test engineer with a fair amount of programming skill, what do you do? In all likelihood, you simply script up each

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Industry 4.0 & IoT

What Is the Future of IoT Testing?

Lots of articles have argued that the first ever internet of things (IoT) device was a soda machine at Carnegie Mellon that was connected to the early internet in the 1980s. The machine was famously automated to let users on the local network see how recently the machine had been

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Are Tests Run on Rooted Devices Reliable?

Sometimes, the OS that comes built into an Apple or Android device can seem like it’s actively preventing you from doing what you want. And, to some extent, that’s true—Apple only lets you download the apps that are in the App Store because there are some actions that they want

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Operations & Live Networks

How To: Mobility Management

In the US right now, Verizon and T-Mobile are battling it out for who can provide the most extensive LTE coverage. And as of OpenSignal’s 2018 report, the two were in a statistical tie—each was able to provide an LTE signal 93.7% of the time. These are historic highs for

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How To: 5g Testbed Testing

Back in 2017, the UK launched its 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme, the stated aim of which was to support coordinated research into 5G technology and use cases among British telecom businesses, equipment manufacturers, and scientists. By their account, the creation of these 5G testbeds provides a crucial proving ground

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How To: Enterprise Mobility Testing

One of the most significant ways in which the rise of mobile phones and laptops has changed the business world is encouraging a tremendous increase in mobility. Not only are employees at many businesses able to telecommute more easily than ever before, folks traveling for business are able to stay

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How To: Verifying eCall Service

As the Internet of Things (IoT) grows and expands, the number of different elements that will have to consistently connect to any given network is expanding with it. Of course, some of these elements are more impactful than others. For instance, as of March of 2018, an EU directive requires

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Industry 4.0 & IoT

Why Is Beyond End-to-end Testing for IoT Devices Important?

It’s become a fairly well established stereotype that people in many parts of the world can’t or won’t look up from their smartphones. Back in the day, the only reason to look at or think about your telephone was because it was ringing or because you intended to make a

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Can Robots Speed Up End-to-End Testing?

End-to-end testing: for many telco operators it’s the holy grail of service verification, but it can also be a slow, laborious process that adversely impacts time to market. Even if you’ve managed to automate your relevant equipment and collect success and failure data from the relevant end-points. You might still

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5 Factors That Impact Telecom Test Quality

It’s no secret that test quality has a direct impact on quality of service, meaning that high quality tests can and do correlate with telco operators’ ability to attract and retain customers. And yet, as telecommunications networks become more and more complex, maintaining high quality tests for things like subscriber

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Industry 4.0 & IoT

5 Tips for Successful IoT Device Testing

As recently as a few years ago, the idea of a smart home—in which all of your appliances and other sensors around your home are networked together digitally—still seemed more like science fiction than a fact of life. And yet, today you can walk into many new homes and use

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What Does End-to-End Testing Mean for Telecoms?

The digitization of telecommunications has led to the adoption of many software testing methodologies, including end-to-end (E2E) testing. Sometimes confused with system testing, E2E testing goes much farther, validating the interoperability of different network components and their complex interactions.

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Outsourced vs. In-house: Which Testing Method is Better for Telecoms?

At some point in their growth and development, most businesses regardless of industry eventually reach a point where they realize they can’t do it all themselves. Either they need help marketing their product, or some of their more tedious HR tasks could be outsourced, or their testing operations could be

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3 Examples of End-to-End Telecom Testing in Action

We talk a lot on this blog about end-to-end testing, and we don’t plan to change that fact any time soon. Why? Because end-to-end still represents the only testing methodology that puts the needs of end-users at the center of the testing process—and end-user experience is only becoming more important

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How Can Telco Operators Speed Up Conformance Testing?

When technology changes and evolves—as it does almost constantly—in the telecom domain, it typically takes standard-setting bodies like 3GPP six months to a year to establish a new set of test cases for conformance testers. Once those test cases come out, there’s a flurry of activity while operators, device manufacturers,

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The 3 Step Guide to Automating Your Network Tests

The modern cycle of updates for telecom networks continues to speed up, and telco operators need to do the same in order to keep pace with the market. For some of you, this may be leading you to consider test automation for verifying service on your network. Sure, there’s plenty

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How to Evaluate Telecom Testing Tools

As increasing device fragmentation and the proliferation of different protocols continue to inflate the number of use cases that require testing, human testers are struggling to keep up. But, if you’re reading this, you probably know all that. More than that, you’re probably almost ready to take the plunge and

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Operations & Live Networks

5 Ways Network Quality Testing Can Impact Your Bottom Line

Network quality has long been a top cause of customer churn for telcos. Yet organizations often continue to struggle with delivering adequate quality because the demand for more data has negatively impacted voice service. That demand will likely grow; according to a recent McKinsey study, consumer demand for data will

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Industry 4.0 & IoT

Are Your Device Tests Ready for the IoT?

According to a recent GSMA study, the IoT market will be worth $1.1 trillion and include about 25 billion IoT connections by 2025. The majority of those connections will be in the industrial and vertical industry segments (13.8 billion connections) and the smart home market (11.4 billion).

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Operations & Live Networks

How Automation Can Impact Testing ROI in 2019

The most obvious benefits of automation for any industry include increased efficiency and decreased reliance on human employees. But for telcos, automation, and particularly automated testing, offers multiple other sources of ROI, from reduced time to market, to better implementation of the Continuous Delivery model.

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Can Automated Testing Promote Agility?

Let’s say you’re a telco operator pushing out a change to your billing platform. For many in the business world, the hope for a project like this is that the team behind it has a certain level of agility, meaning that they’re a cross-functional group that’s empowered to solve problems

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Does Your Test Partner Need to Be a Telco Expert?

End-to-end testing—it’s all the rage right now in any number of industries, and with good reason. As global technologies become more connected and more thoroughly interwoven into the fabric of society, more thorough and efficient testing will become not just a luxury, but a necessity. As such, it should come

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Industry 4.0 & IoT

How 5G Could Change Service Verification in 2019

In 1877, Alexander Graham Bell demonstrated the possibility of making long distance telephone calls by calling the offices of The Boston Globe. As you can imagine, the press had a field day—and it’s easy to understand why. From the perspective of technological progress, transmitting voice communication over a trunk line

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How to Measure ROI in Your Test Lab

In an ideal world, service verification for voice, data, and mobile broadband usage would probably look a lot different than it does right now. Test cycles would be perfectly matched to the timelines for updates, testers would be able to complete tests for the entire range of use cases with

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How Service Providers Can Speed up Time to Market

Okay, let’s say you’re one of the major telco operators in your geographic area, and in order to increase your competitiveness you’re hoping to be the first one to roll out a 5G network for mobile voice and data. You’ve spent months laying the groundwork and taking pains to get

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Operations & Live Networks

Regression Testing for Network Quality

Network demands have grown increasingly complex in recent years. For example, people’s reliance on smartphones for everything from navigation to mobile banking means that networks must be more robust and secure than ever. Meanwhile, the proliferation of IoT-enabled devices has introduced new protocols and device configurations.

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5G Is Coming: How Will Your Device Testing Keep Pace?

In June of last year, The 3rd Generation Partnership Project set the official standards for standalone 5G, effectively paving the way for the era of true 5G functionality. It might be a little bit of an exaggeration to say that we’re now experiencing a race to create usable 5G networks

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Operations & Live Networks

Can Testing Automation Improve Network Quality?

According to a recent McKinsey study, network quality concerns comprise some of the most important factors impacting a given customer’s choice of mobile carrier. While pricing is still the most important one on average, survey respondents were also quick to list national and local coverage, network speed, and quality of

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6 Reasons Network Testing Is More Complex Than Ever

A few years ago, a tester working on a typical telco project could run through about 10 use cases per day. Now, that number is closer to 8 use cases per day. This trend might be worrying from the outside, but if you’re a test engineer within the world of

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Is Manual Device Testing Hurting Customer Experience?

In 2012, an Open Signal study found that there were about 4,000 different Android device models on the market. Within a couple of years, that number had risen to 12,000, and it’s likely only gone up since then. As a device tester, you already know that there’s considerable diversity among

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Senior SaaS System Administrator

Technical Skills :
  • Oversee the sysadmin related tasks in our SaaS infrastructure (partially cloud based, partially bare metal)
  • Daily operation and maintenance of the system
  • Analysing and resolving incidents
  • Follow and help improving the incident and change management procedures
  • Design procedures for system troubleshooting and maintenance
  • Incorporating base OS updates and security patches
  • Ensure that systems are safe and secure against cybersecurity threats by raising change requests where potential threat is possible
  • Performing SW updates for the Segron SaaS SW stack (distributed architecture with clusters)
  • Configuring solutions like reverse proxy, firewalls, etc.
  • Building tools to automate procedures & reduce occurrences of errors and improve customer experience
  • Tutoring & coaching newcomers & less senior experts in the team
  • Interworking with the architects and IT admins of Segron to have the SaaS procedures inline with the Segron processes
Non-technical skills:
  • We are looking for a self-motivated, self-improving individual with a highly independent mindset and open and straightforward technical communication to help us to improve and maintain our cloud infrastructure of our powerful end-to-end testing solution ATF (Automated Testing Framework)
  • 3+ years hands-on experience with operation and monitoring of cloud / linux systems
  • 3+ years of hands-on experience with network devops elements: configuring routers, switches, networks
  • Hands-on experience with running live systems with infrastructure as a code mode of operation
  • Specific knowledge which brings direct advantage: Docker, Docker Compose, Grafana, Prometheus, Ansible, Debian Linux OS administration, Security
  • Experience in building and maintaining distributed systems (incl. redundancy, resiliency, load-balancing) is welcome
  • Excellent knowledge of English
Location :
  • Place of work: Bratislava (partially home office possible)
  • Rate: from 30 EUR/hour (possible higher rate, depends on experience)
Segron logo - The Next Generation of Active Testing
Segron logo black blue

CI/CD Senior Developer

Technical Skills :
  • A senior role with a proven expertise in software development, cloud computing, DevOps, and CI/CD
  • Experience in planning, designing, and overseeing the CI/CD strategy and architecture on the level of organization
  • Ability to tailor testing strategies which define and follow the best practices, standards, and policies for the software delivery process
  • Hands-on experience in creating and managing CI/CD pipelines and workflows (PaaC)
  • Ability to evaluate and recommend the best tools, technologies, and methodologies for the CI/CD implementation
  • Prior hands-on experience working with different CI/CD toolsets (Jenkins, Bitbucket, GitLab, artifactory, Ansible ..)
  • Proficient with DevOps tools API automation capabilities
  • Proficient with Atlassian Tools (BitBucket, Jira, Confluence) and agile SW development methodologies
  • Familiar with cloud patterns and best practices
  • Familiar with web performance best practices
  • Comfortable working in cloud DevOps ecosystem
  • Comfortable working with Linux platforms
  • Initial working experience in SW development is an advantage.
Non-technical skills:
  • Effective communication with technical as well and business stakeholders
  • Self-motivating, self-improving mindset
  • Ownership of relevant industry certificates is a plus
Location :
  • Location: Bratislava, Slovakia (with hybrid flexibility)
  • Rate: from 30 EUR/hour (possible higher rate, depends on experience)
Segron logo - The Next Generation of Active Testing
Segron logo black blue

Test Automation Engineer

Job description, responsibilities:

  • ATF system configuration, integration, operations & maintenance in customer environments.
  • Building tools to automate procedures & reduce occurrences of errors and improve customer experience.
  • Hardware Verification, Testing and Preparation within the Staging Process.
  • Contribution to customer and service partner technical support across multiple accounts by sufficiently managing priorities and deadlines for own work.
  • Segron Laboratory equipment configuration and maintenance support.
  • Hardware order and logistics support.
  • Problem analysis of ATF issues, troubleshooting and fault correction.
  • Interface towards SEGRON Development Team in case of product or software issues.
  • Interface towards the SEGRON Technical Sales Team to support planned activities.
  • System and Integration documentation and guidelines.
  • Perform root cause analysis for production errors.
  • Deployment of software updates and fixes.
  • Ability to work in a team environment serving multiple global customers.
  • Willing to travel for 3-5 days onsite deployments
Requirements/ Skills:
  • Excellent knowledge of English
  • Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, MacOS
  • Good Knowledge of Containers and Virtual Machines
  • Telco experience welcome
  • Python or other scripting experience or knowledge preferable
  • Educational Qualification: Computer Science/Engineering or work experience equivalent
  • Work Experience: 3-4 years preferred


  • Full time job (employment)
  • 3 days onsite, 2 days home office
  • Offered salary: from 1800 Euro (depends on seniority and skills level)
  • Variety of financial benefits
  • Place of work: Bratislava
Segron logo - The Next Generation of Active Testing
Segron logo black blue

Senior Python Developer

Technical Skills :

  • A solid, experienced SW developer with at least 10 years of experience in active SW development in different programming paradigms
  • Minimum 5 years of professional Python development experience
  • Master or college degree from Computer Science, Mathematics or STEM domain
  • Well educated in design and programming patterns that increase software’s efficiency and readability.
  • Very good analytical and problem solving skills.
  • At least three skills out of the following 4 skills are requested:
    • Microservices based architectures (Docker containers)
    • Linux
    • Ansible
    • Robot  Framework
  • Comfortable with sysadmin and DevOps skills (Ansible, YML files, Network Programming, IP protocols, designing and developing proxy servers for different protocols – example: streaming, integrating and compiling third party libraries on Linux (Debian))
  • Proficient with Atlassian Tools (BitBucket, Jira, Confluence) thorough understanding of Git and version control best practices
  • Familiar with cloud patterns and best practices
  • Familiar with web performance best practices

Non-technical skills:

  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Ability to abstract and explain your work
  • Strong understanding of Agile development process and experience working in an agile team
  • Strong communication skills with both technical and non-technical stakeholders
Location :
  • Bratislava, Slovakia (with hybrid flexibility)
  • Rate: from 35 EUR/hour (possible higher rate, but depends on experience)
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